Planning a blog like a novel

I've written a plan for my blog for the next few months like a novel. Crazy. Cute. But achievable?

Planning a blog like a novel
Generated with AI ∙ 7 February 2024 at 3:51 pm

Over on Reedsy, they have a very high-level story structure document. So I thought I’d apply that to my plans for this website in 2024.
From Reedsy: GuidesPerfecting your Craft


If you've read my earlier posts, you'll know that this year, I'm dedicating more time to writing with the ultimate aim of getting some kind of book deal. It’s one heck of a commitment, requiring more focus on the bits of being a writer that I don’t really like - self promotion and submissions and all that’s around that

However, I don't want to abandon creative writing. I also want to remain creative and pulling together new creative work. So our hero (me) needs to work out a way to combine the two. Easier said than done.

Rising action:

So I’m going to have to be deliberate about all this. I’m going to have to be thoughtful.

So, every Friday, I'll share updates and thoughts like this one as a way of chronicling my efforts as I navigate my way into the publishing industry. This journey might involve pursuing agents, ways that I’m improving my writing, or how I’m trying to convince publishers to take a chance on me.

Eventually, I hope to expand the Friday newsletter to include interviews with published authors, exploring their first steps and experiences in the industry.

(By the way, if this interests you please get in touch via email at

Then, to keep my creative brain ticking over, on Tuesdays, I'll send out a short, creative piece, which could be a poem, a short story, flash fiction, or an introduction to a larger work. This will get all my readers a little more used to my work (and give you something to make you smile).


I hope this balance will keep me happy, healthy, and writing. It also means this blog doesn't become just a list of complaints about the industry or frustrations, as I'll always create short, engaging creative stuff to entertain and annoy you all.

I’ll then hopefully be able to entertain both people who just want some funny little titbits of writing, as well as other writers who might be following to watch me succeed (or fail).

Falling action:

I'm planning to produce only 100 posts in a year, which doesn't sound too daunting, especially when half of them will likely be poems or suchlike. It’s a challenge, but it’s one that I think I’m up to. One that I think I can succeed at.


By the end of the year, I might have a book deal, I might not. But I will have some really cool stuff on this blog, as well as the experience of being a dedicated and hardworking (spare time) writer!

So that’s how to plan a year on a blog like you would plan a story. I’m actually surprised it worked quite as well as it did.

As ever, if you liked this, and aren’t already a subscriber, do pop your email in the little subscribe box, and share this on social media. Every little helps 🙂

Peace out, y'all.