Project update: Mapped it

Project update: Mapped it


Today's really short post is all about maps. Why maps? Because I've drawn some maps.

I have been looking through (very slowly) my fantasy novel and realised that I was mentioning a lot of place names, and travel distances, without really having a clear idea of how the different places interrelated.

Also, I was on holiday and didn't really have the energy or the inclination to do a load of editing.

So I decided to draw some maps.

So now, for the first time, I present to you the land of [Untitled Fantasy World] and The Great Northern Forge City.

I'm going to do some more stuff like this over the coming weeks, as I really enjoy the process. For now, have a look below. What do you like the look of? What piques your interest? I'd love to know.

[Untitled Fantasy World]


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